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Overcoming Freelancing Rejections

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Freelancing Rejection

Rejections are part of our everyday lives. May it be with freelancing or other aspects of life, rejection is a part of the growth journey. Overcoming freelancing rejections is not easy. Thus, your attitude in conquering it really matters. Rejection is not just about sending your application for a freelancing job. But, it can also be in any aspect of your daily life. Examples of rejections are: 1. Negative comments 2. Negative impressions/judgment 3. Lack of or no support 4. Unfollow, Unsubscribe, No response 5. Not being hired Rejection is everywhere and it is important to have the right mindset. This mindset will tell you how to overcome it, so you can bring the best out of every rejection. Not everybody ventures to freelancing easily get hired. It’s because, for a lot of freelancers, it takes months to get hired in freelancing. Here are 5 tips on how you can conquer freelancing rejections:


In every application that you take, not all clients will get amazed by you. This is a reality, you can’t please everyone. Thus, all you need to do is to go beyond what’s happening and be optimistic. When you are applying, it can be that the certain personality of a client will clash with yours. Thus, you and that client are not compatible to work with. The best way to get over with that rejection is to ACCEPT IT.


When you learn to accept every rejection that you receive, it is important to let go of it. Letting go is not about forgetting but, it’s about learning why the client rejected you. It’s good to have connections with the real people when you experience rejections. It’s because this experience can be hard since some freelancers tend to dwell on the situation and hold on to it. They will feel disappointed and end up giving up freelancing. If you want to succeed in freelancing, you need to remove that kind of attitude. You need to embrace the positive characteristics only.


Freelancing is not about doing tasks and thinking of what others will tell you about it. You must learn to work on the niche that you enjoy working with. And, find a client who will like it. Not all clients have the same tastes. Thus, if a client said “NO” to your work, it only means that he or she is not the client for you.


Instead of embracing self-pity, victim spirit, and the blame game, you need to focus on the positive side. Test why you receive such rejection and find out where you lack, and what went wrong. Always be responsible for improving and growing from that weakness.


Every rejection is an opportunity to improve and grow. Understand that rejection because sometimes, these are detours that will direct you to the right way of freelancing. So, be positive when you receive rejections. For each rejection, you are being refined and guided to the right path if you take it, and learn from it. You are being shaped into a more efficient and effective freelancer. Stand up, and TRY AGAIN! I hope this has been helpful to you.

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